Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bug Squashed

We had a very productive group meeting this morning.  Up until now, we had come up with several methods of squashing the bug, but were having minor problems.

After some back and forth on the bug page's message board, we received some helpful advice from a developer named David Doria.  He gave us a link to the vtkSTLWriter Class documentation.  Fixing the bug ended up being incredibly simple.  The necessary steps were:
  1. Add a conditional statement
  2. Add a cout with the warning text
  3. Modify the .h file to include a function call in the source code
As far as submitting the code, we all found various wiki posts about submitting, but it wasn't until Glen found a detailed step by step process that we were able to get anywhere with submission.  The commit process is basically a sequence of git and ssh commands (this process has been posted on our wiki).

Unfortunately, we were halted in the commit process due to lack of authorization.  An e-mail was sent out to the developer's mailing list, and hopefully we will be authorized to submit the code soon.

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