After our meeting last Tuesday, I decided to poke the VTK developers again, since my bug fix code still hadn't been reviewed/approved. According to email responses that my other team-mates have received, the VTK developers are going to try to be more proactive in approving smaller bugs, since this is how new contributors get involved.
Yesterday, I got a reply email from David Thomas, one of the lead developers, saying that my code had been reviewed, and that the changes were approved.
I can officially say that I have completed the full cycle of contribution to an Open Source project!! =D
(and it feels good)
However, we still have to complete our group bug, and our 2nd individual bugs.
That being the case, I started doing research for my next bug squashing:
0011231: Superquadric source has y axis orientation but claims to provide z axis orientation.
Basically, there are two conflicting statements. vtkCylinderSource.h states that the axis of the cylinder is aligned along the global y-axis, where as in vtkSuperquadraticSource, the default axis of symmetry is stated to be aligned along the global z-axis. HOWEVER, when rendered, both the cylinder and superquadratic appear next to each other aligned along the same axis of symmetry.
This bug might be as simple as changing the verbage in the documentation and IO statements, or as complex as re-rendering in the appropriate direction.
I need to send out an email to the developers to clear up this discrepancy. A plus though is that the bug tracker has test code attached, so I should be able to start hacking away at it soon.
You put a new spin on "exterminator". I'm glad you have been through a full-cycle and lived.